November 2016 at PJB


FIBA Young Coach Certification Course

Between November 10th and November 17th PJB welcomed FIBA certifier, Seydou Sano, from Senegal to deliver the first phase of the FIBA Young Coach certification to all of our coaching staff. With 19 PJB coaches participating and 12 coaches from other teams within the community, over 30 coaches in Goma are one step closer to becoming internationally certified coaches. 

Over 7 days coaches participated in lectures, on court demonstrations, and practical work with PJB in content areas such as adolescent development, practice preparation, basic kinesiology, and basketball fundamentals. Each coach now has their first phase complete, and PJB is already working with FIBA to have Mr. Sano return to Goma in the beginning months of 2017 to finish up the Young Coach certification.

Lights at Maison Des Jeunes

From a generous donation raised from a friend of PJB, we were able to install flood lights on the principle court located at Maison Des Jeunes. These lights illuminate the six hoops, allowing more time for PJB players to be on-court practicing, but 2 extra hours of programming will also offer more opportunities for Life-Skills and English classes. 

Special Events


For the first time ever, the PJB staff came together to celebrate the American holiday of Thanksgiving. With two turkeys, four chickens and endless sides of potatoes, green beans, carrots, stuffing and gravy all 28 member of PJB staff were introduced to the American tradition. After the meal each person at the party was given the opportunity to share one thing (Or in some cases a couple) that they are thankful for. It was a great activity to learn more about each other as a team and family. Unlike in the USA, there was no football to be watched and big couches to fall asleep on after the big meal, but instead the PJB spirit showed strong as the music turned up and everyone enjoyed dancing into the evening.

Photo Days

In a new initiative, PJB has partnered with a USA based organization called the Memory Project. For this project we will create an exchange between our youngest players and a number of art students across the USA. This will be the first project undertaken by our new media team, and we are excited to create a cross-cultural exchange through art and media.

On November 23rd and November 24th our media team took pictures of all players registering for PJB for the upcoming year. These pictures will be used to create new PJB ID cards (which will be issued for the first time in 2017), to be given to the memory project, and and to enhance our website with player profiles.


Player of the Month

Riphin Shamavu

Team: Eagle DII

Riphin recently moved from the rookie team to the Eagle DII team where he has really stepped up as a leader. With his great enthusiasm and effort he has really improved as a player, but also a teammate. He is always on time and prepared to work hard for every practice and has been very successful in helping his team develop a sense of responsibility over their own learning. 

Gisembe Tournament 2016

PJB Elite Boys team before their first match.

PJB Elite Boys team before their first match.

Every year an international basketball tournament is held in Kigali, Rwanda in remembrance of the Genocide of 1994. This tournament is called the Gisembe Tournament and is held at Amahoro Stadium in Kigali. This year both our boys and girls Elite teams were invited to the tournament. This was the third year participating in the tournament for the PJB Elite boys, and the fourth year for the PJB Elite girls.

The female teams who participated in the tournament are as followed:

Berco Stars (Burundi), PJB Elite (Goma, DRC), Scandanavia (Bukavu, DRC), APR (Rwanda)

The male teams who participated in the tournament are as followed:

Patriots (Rwanda), IPRC Kigali (Rwanda), Dynamo (Burundi), Boundess (Bukavu, DRC), Goma Bulls (Goma, DRC), PJB Elite (Goma, DRC)

Every year this tournament is a great opportunity for our players to gain international experience, and play against some of the top competition in the east/central Africa region. Our girls Elite team finished in third place despite playing without four key players (Davina Kabantu, Amanda Kabantu, Deborah Moto, and Christelle Lubango) who all had to miss the tournament to sit their second round of national school exams. The girls team was led by the strong play of guard Gemima Motema and forward Grace Irebu.

            The boys unfortunately didn’t place this year after finishing second in last year’s tournament. The boys were dominated on the glass throughout the tournament without the presence of starting forward Michee and reserve center Bretener Mutombo and David Kalala, who were sitting the state exams. Also missing from the tournament for the boys was Jerry Kabantu, who was missed both defensively and offensively at the starting point guard position.  The boys played hard in their normal fashion, but showed their youth and lack of size in their losses. A high point in the tournament for the boys was when guard Patrick Mwamba won The Top Shooter award in the tournament for the second year in a row. Patrick is a young player with great promise.

Though PJB was hoping for more success at the tournament, a lot was learned. Head Coach Kipere Mulolwa was disappointed in the results, but praised the fact that, “Both PJB teams were praised for their discipline shown and great sportsmanship.” Now that this great tournament is over, both the boys and girls teams turn their eyes to the future; Winning the provincial cup and returning to the Cup Du Congo.