Who We are
Promo Jeune Basket (PJB) is a home-grown organization that was founded in 2006. A group of young professionals in the town of Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) were looking for a way to harness the dynamic power of sports to change lives and a society; PJB was their answer.
Goma, DRC is in a region that has been at the heart of a decades long war, and the founders believed that basketball could be used as a tool to develop youth and communities into the future of a better nation. By empowering young athletes to develop essential life-skills, take their education seriously, and become active members in their communities PJB has become a force of great change within the region and country.
From it’s humble beginnings of a three coaches and a handful of young basketball players, PJB has grown into a full-time basketball academy that serves over 1000 youth throughout the year.
Please click here to view our current up-to-date impact report on the youth of Goma
Our Staff
Sakinah Musafiri- Coordinator
Fabrice Ngenda- Administrative Assistant
Our Vision
Through its programs, PJB strives to create a Democratic Republic of Congo led by well-informed and responsible citizen leaders who possess the discipline and skills they need to build the country they deserve.
Our Mission
PJB’s mission is to promote positive youth development and citizenship through high quality basketball instruction, top-tier academic training, and an integrated life-skills program that encourages young members to focus on the future, avoid risk and engage in the world with a global perspective.
Our Values
"With Faith, Discipline and Selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you can achieve." -Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Discipline- When a person shows discipline, they show maturity. A disciplined person shows integrity, responsibility, and the heart to do what it takes to become successful. It takes great discipline to change the world, and at PJB we demand that every member, from board member to player, shows this quality so that together we can change the world.
Team Spirit- We demand much more than just teamwork at PJB, we demand team spirit. Each and every member will work cooperatively to be successful. Every role that is played within the organization is not just depended upon, but it is celebrated. PJB members enjoy to collective responsibility and thrive within the team-centered environment not because they have to, but because they understand that they are part of a team. At PJB we want our players and staff to lose themselves for the team.
"Teams are made when you put aside individual wants for the collective good." -Chiney Ugumike
"The harder you work, the luckier you'll get." -Gary Player
Hard Work- There is no substitute for hustle. People are born with different talents and skills, but it is the way a person utilizes those skills that really matters. Without hard work, great things can never be accomplished. Hard Work involves great effort but cannot be defined only by effort. At PJB we define hard work as poised, wise, and enthusiastic effort for a cause that is bigger than one’s self.
"Respect commands itself and can neither be given nor withheld when it is due." -Eldridge Cleaver
Respect- At PJB we believe that no one is greater than another, but everyone is just as good as everyone else. Therefore, each and every person deserves utmost respect. Everyone is treated with fairness and equality so as to create an atmosphere where everyone can succeed.
Our Locations
We currently operate at six locations throughout Goma. Our six locations are as followed:
Maison Des Jeunes
PJB's headquarters is located at Maison Des Jeunes (MDJ) with our principal court and office on the site. The site of MDJ is also home to a library, cultural center, soccer field and volleyball court. The compound is host to four location organizations including PJB and is known in Goma for it's cultural activities and as a safe space for the youth of the city. Also taking place at MDJ throughout the year is the weekly talent competition, Sanaa Weekend, and the cities largest culture festival, Amani Festival.
Institut Superioir du Commerce (ISC) was the first site of a PJB constructed basketball court. Located off the main road in Goma, and next to one of the largest universities, our ISC location is arguably the most utilized basketball court in Goma. Host to daily practices of PJB, pick up games, and also the local and provincial championships, the ISC court has been key in the growth of basketball within the city.
Located on the northern outskirts of Goma, Kibwe is a small location tucked away within the town. The Kibwe court was a safe space for children in the area during the conflict of 2012 and continues to serve a large number of youth and baby basket players of the area.
Opening in 2014, Kituku is located in western Goma on the site of the Catholic University of Goma. Located in the courtyard of the school, which is still under construction, Kituku has brought the game of basketball within reach to a new community of Goma.
Children's Voice
Le Terrain Guy Muya was innaugurated in July 2016, and is located at the Children's Voice school in Goma's Virunga Quarter. Programming at this court began in January 2017 and is the fastest growing program at PJB.
Partnering with En Avant Les Enfants, PJB helped to cunstruct a miniature half court in 2016 at an orphanage called Inuka. This small court hold programming three times a week for about 30 young children aged 2-5 years old.