Festival Amani 2018
/Playing for change, Singing for Peace
The Amani Festival unites different cultures and offers a space of exchange which allows one to forget about daily problems and the after-effects of war. It constitutes a place where the people of the Great Lakes region can meet up, think and get together to prepare a better, common future for all.
It is through this structure that the PJB academy intervenes each year in order to help secure long-lasting, stable peace. To do so, we provide the festival with 73 young volunteers (63 girls and 10 boys). These volunteers play a key role in the communication of the festival, its security and for the sensitization to the benefits of sport in its educational aspect. On the first day, there were 11 000 people at the Festival, on the second 9000 and on the third 12 000.
At the festival, we also hold a promotional area for PJB, which attracts more or less 20 000 people every edition. With this promotional stand, PJB has focused on the following theme: "Education through basketball". This theme was embodied through concerts but also various workshops conveying our life values such as discipline, team spirit, hard work, respect and much more.