The Return Of Merveille Muninga

  • Former member PJB Academy returned to the  country

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       In its long-term vision, PJB Academy wishes to offer to its young athletes the possibility to go abroad. This is important to us as we believe such an experience can only lead to personal development, which in the long-term, will lead to better individuals and thus a better society. It is precisely in this aspect that PJB contributes to helping the Congolese youth and the country in general.



Merveille Muniga is an inspiring example of this vision. Major player of the 'France Espoir' championship, Kamanda Muniga Merveille 6.7 foot; (2m05) is one of our young players who has been trained at the PJB Academy for four years. Aged 18, he recieved a scholarship in France, in Nice precisely. This is due to his exemplary attitude and his respect for the PJB values.  For the 2017-2018 season, he played in the training centre of Limoges CSP at a professional level.