International Womens Day at Promo Jeune Basket
/Celebrating the Strength, Courage, Sacrifice, Intelligence, Creativity, and Inspiration of Women Everywhere
On March 19th, 2017, Promo Jeune Basket held it's International Women's Day Celebrations at our main court at Maison Des Jeunes. In collaboration with four local schools and our partners at GOAL academy, Goma Cycling Club, and Umoja Acrobatics, PJB was able to give the young girls of Goma an opportunity to showcase their uniqueness and leadership within the community.
Sports Matinee
Beginning at 10:30am, over 100 girls from four local schools were invited to participant in soccer, basketball, cycling, and acrobatic activities. The goal of the morning was to introduce new sports and encouraging sports participation to girls who may have never had the opportunity before.

Though only 30 girls arrived from the schools, the enthusiasm for the new activities and sports was evident. We would like to thank Goma Cycling Club, GOAL Academy, and Umoja Acrobatics for their collaboration in this event. It was with the enthusiastic effort of all our organizations that we were able to promote sports within the community of the youth girls of Goma.
Performance afternoon
Starting at 2:00pm, the whole PJB family was invited to the Maison Des Jeunes court to participate in the afternoon women's celebrations. During these celebrations each female team of PJB was asked to prepare a performance of their choosing. In a wonderful display of talents outside of basketball, the PJB players performed dances, poems, raps, and both modern and traditional African runway shows.